The project manager of Tombak service and export part said with the lighting of the flarestack of the port, the first safety stage of the commissioning process of the project was completed.
According to Pars Oil and Gas Company, Payam Motamed said after the arrival of gas and the lighting of the flarestack of the export port, the process of entering liquefied gas (propane and butane) into the port is underway.
“According to our commitment, we will proceed to load and export the first shipment of liquefied natural gas from the refinery of South Pars phase 19 by February 10.
He said that cooling of all liquefied gas transmission pipelines from phase 19 to Tombak export port is a prerequisite for the export process of propane and butane of South Pars, and said: “Tombak export and service port is fully prepared and the necessary plans for loading and the first shipment of liquefied petroleum gas is being exported from this port.”
Source: shana