Iran Plast 2022

Iranplast exhibition

Iranplast exhibition was held on May 13-16, 2022 in Tehran with the presence of Petrobon.

Petroben team members at the exhibition

Holding Iran Plast exhibition with the presence of Petroben

holding the Iran Plast exhibition in Tehran

Iranplast exhibition

petrochemical exhibition

Iran Plast exhibition with the presence of Petroben

Petroben company at the petrochemical exhibition

Petroben exhibition

Iran Plast exhibition

Petroben in Iranplast exhibition

Petroben in Iranplast exhibition

Petroben in holding the Iran Plast exhibition in Tehran

Petroben at the Iran Plast exhibition in Tehran

Petroben at the Iran Plast exhibition in Tehran

Iran Plast exhibition in Tehran

Holding a petrochemical exhibition

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