Naphtha Price |

Tag Archives: Naphtha Price

Naphtha Price Analysis

[whatsapp_dynamic] date: 10 March 2021 After the significant growth of oil last week and the subsequent increase in the price of petrochemical products, the price of naphtha reached the resistance range of 600$. Naphtha has technically reached the resistance range and reacted negatively to it. If naphtha’s price falls, it could drop to 575 $, […]

Naphtha Price Analysis

date: 18 February 2021 By increasing in the crude oil prices, the prices of chemical and petrochemical products, under the influence of rising prices have been increased. Also Naphtha has moved closer to the 600 $ resistance level after crossing the 520$ price range. Naphtha seems to have difficulties to reach 600$. Regarding to stability […]